Such a glorious time we got to live,
Of horniest Napoleon-brained men,
Or swiftly banksters with pedigrees,
Who ruined the seven democracies,
For their entirely selfish clingy ends,
Kings of the past they wanted to be,
But only fools of today they became,
Twisting democracy from popularity,
Toasting celebrity not fair economy,
Fueling fascism by withholding ways.
For they cared not nor feared the peoples will,
Seeking to consume the brightest rays of light,
Never knowing crowns rule from honest hearts.
The unhappy princes,Â
No gold leaf’s to offer,Â
No last kisses to receive,
No dying saints upon feet,
Only corrupt power for keeps,
Only leaden insides poisoning all.
And so I abandon these cultish kings hard order,
To give weight my honest queens of democracy.
You ever watch all the club-totting princes fist bump at a funeral like they were popular highschoolers?
Cause all I saw was a queen give an honest frown.
There is no question in my mind,
It is time to become fairly radical.
For it is this lost generation of Cela,
That will rendezvous with destiny.