Our Common Near’s pain will direct our conversations, Each other’s wellbeing bring focus to our compassions, Surviving our creations give...
There was a mirror we saw inside, of an alien animal’s eye, That allowed us to tame our tribes into a herded society. Without a spirit...
He was so anxious to live the life he saw he should be, That he forgot to live one he knew he could become.
Where is the wealth, Who shall receive the Stately Inheritance? Do you know where it can be found? Below rock, in soft root and branch,...
When a lion grows hungry, tameness for its tribe it finds within; For a pride knows it must act in accord to claw a shared meal. What are...
A machine was built that ate only pale cauliflower to survive. So we dressed as colourful broccoli to try turn its needy gaze.
Fertile rot, fertile rot, never has a time has been more ripe! It's the energy in the air, the poison in the food, the deficiencies in...
There's never nothing, but there can seem to be nothing between definable somethings. Look at the dots you've just drawn- the paper is...
I keep trying to write an inspired bible, But alas, end with only fictional pieces.
Most moments evolve from their bulk’s thrust, But some are pulled on by gravities unknown.
The experience of the tree is always with you. Branching into your brain, Trunking down you back, Rooting in your blood.