You can only burn through or burn up so many people before the fires you ignite will consume you and reveal the dark nature of your...
Live the life that leads to fairness and ethical behavior, not the excessive indulgence of judgment, disgust and rage found in personal...
On the pathways of discovery, your needs will be great, On the road to recovery, very little will you take.
If you think you’ve been weighed down as the powerful force all must rely on, First see how high others had to become, trying to elevate...
I'm but a soft house cat, with nubbly cut claws, a little pet here, then there, and I'll purr. But I can't be startled too quickly or...
If they weren't so smart, they'd be intelligent enough to listen and learn.
You can only be so terrible to people before the weight of your choices begins to reflect back your horrors on you, eventually becoming...
2024.05.14_BABY-BOSSES, PART 4
If you punch at the earth, you’ll eventually feel your bloody, battered hand. If you slash at the heavens, you’ll soon tire, slow, and...
2024.05.13_BABY-BOSSES, PART 3
If only they could see it is them, Not their poor disempowered workers spiraling in poverty, Or the courageous hopes of a rebellious...
2024.05.11_BABY-BOSSES, PART 2
This moment reveals the insanity of their ego, It show how desperately one flails in fragility, Attempting to retain an idolatrous...
I enjoy reading the bold titles of mainstream news websites, For I am apparently too poor to read their in-forming content.
2024.05.07_BABY-BOSSES, PART 1
I’m tired of the ways of this cruel world, I’m tired of the greed of owners and tech lords, I’m tired of our inability to find shared...
Know your end, to start your beginning, And die at endings, to keep on living.