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Pff, dam warned indeed!

A walkers park is such a silly place for a river craft sign,

But this capital is overwrought by its confusing intention.

Hmm, do they thinks my boat's eye will float along to coast,

Anxiously reading signage before drifting to final plummet?

Oh but it’s such a lovely dam, 

So much water it holds back,

Yet so much energy it lets flow.

But come brethren, lets wade in the river to restore our soul,

Seeing how a body can spastically torrent in spilling energy.

A river rushing, 

A dams a’gushing,

And what a rapid fall!

Your heavenly father avidly learns words that will tweak you to his authoritative utility,

But your earthen mother sings melodies to herself that move you to dance your way.

When I finally realized how hard it was for me,

I saw how unlivable it was for everyone else.

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