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10 And so, be involved of caring earthen community and full of honest love. 11 Take off your armour of blood that has long wared against your neighbour so all may unite soundly against the high-minded schemes of corrupting power. 12 For our overcoming is not against the body’s libations or its renewal through transformation, but against the resistance of managers serving unyielding authority, against the indifference of hoarded wealthy privilege, against the dictators of intelligent cruelty, against the network weavers of blind division, and the shadows of greed rolling numbers in our heavenly places. 13 Therefore, go out and genuinely connect with your neighbour and the alien stranger, so that when the times of hardship come, we may be able to share generously on earthen ground. 14 Dissent together in your workspaces and consume modestly, doing so with the knowledge that shared purposeful inaction disrupts greed’s robotic over-production and the terrorism it imposes upon green earth and its humble people. 15 Direct your mass movements to stomp and roar around the strongholds of unfathomable privilege and temples of undemocratic regulation to shake their foundations into alignment for life’s daily need. 16 Feel in tune with your soul’s sentiments, allowing your ego’s balancing sways to redirect your consciousness away from the networked trappings of manipulative control. 17 Also, fill your mind with the knowledge and wisdom of humanity so you may think uniquely for others liberation.


18 And know that your mind’s spirit is not your own and exists connected to all living things, so be aware of the thoughts that flow through you so you may serve your earthen community truthfully - body, soul and spirit. 19 Let these words I speak change you, and then forget them, for they represent only a moment of time and will be useless to another better future envisioned. 20 For I am just one of many who has and is yet to come, speaking to break the choking chains of essentialized bondage and indebted wage-slavery as we cusp into Celestial Age.

Merry Christmas, the age of sacrificing saviors is no more!

And now, ye privileged rich, there is no forgiveness this year,

For we have gotten a smell for your reactive oligarchic fears,

And without delicious turkey plated to afford us calming meal,

We’ll take from your pocket what was taken from us this year,

Your smiles, your health, your wealth, your homes, your control,

Your factories, your guilds, your temples, your cities, and our world.

A new world order for your fear, of the peoples coming wrath this year!

Happy New Years too, may you find no privileged luck,

For here’s an economic crash to rival the greatest of past,

Set about by the dithering corruption of withholding fools,

Mouthpieces for them of unfathomable unearned wealth,

Twiddling the humble around as neurotic clowns of heaven,

Allowing oligarchic strutting to roll us to monetary collapse,

And so, we all get to share in poverties riches this poor year.

Ah, empire was such explosive fun for a century,

Looks like that heavy gold brick will be passed on.

And as history pulls and pushes, but never repeats:

“We shall richly recreate our last worst history,

And dream before fruition, the next one to etch.

For time’s novelty is within our living memory,

And forgetting a moment is unleashing it again,

As is ignoring reality, the dark future to come.”

Nothing I write here is all that unique.

But I guess I'm just boy enough for insecure men to start taking it seriously.


But what I know for sure, is my transformational queersters and earthen-care mothers have been screaming better words in the street long before I could feel what I thought I should speak. And they have said it with far greater diligent passion, honest love and unbridled intelligence than my feeble handed wordplay could ever relay. I'm a depression basket barely able to imbue their justified case and the pains they’ve endured for me, humanity and earth’s longevity.


And what did those in power do for the justice of their valiant movements?

Fuck them around toward cruel submission and deny them breathing space.


For it is the hardened minds that must wrestle death and transformation,

As it is the life-giver’s body tract that pulls us toward life’s essentialization,

And the ego of souls that balances furthest externalities within resistance.

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