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This full moon past has hung heavy upon my cerebral powers, and a headache I cannot shake.

Yet, I like pretending to be an enlightened human about it all... 

To do this, I try to accept my luny scribble power as an inanimate object that latches to my mind on occasion. One that grows more fervently and fearfully as I feed it. So, to disconnect, I have to become existential enough to be in this moment of great need, realizing that true power, that of eternal love, dwells below all other functions, feelings and thoughts - even the cruelest ones. 

And that base wellspring of power, one that life graciously allows all access to, that balance of love we can feel holding existence between extremes, resides in our ability to give up inanimate persuasions that imprison a mind, as well as sentiments of pleasure that statue our body within that mental space.

And in my life, it was how I accepted or denied that flow through my body’s cores, that transfer of mental ideology into realized physicality, transformation to essentialization and back, how I balanced in that eternal power of love, that become the lasting definition others saw on me. 

It was the glow of my soul revealed.

And when I looked to study beloved leader's past, I saw so many had shown the path of chosen disempowerment ahead of my struggle, that noblest of trait. And it was by giving up corrupting princely powers of heaven that they found renewed acceptance and purpose in life with all living thing. 

So hear me speak forward again from our long past:

For the Singular Age, I asked you to give up your wealth for the kingdom of heaven to come to earth, and rightly so, for when wealth is shared, we may all yet prosper - as they do in heaven. 

But for this Celestial Age, I say also, give up your positions of privilege and power, so all toiling beneath your distant images may be freed reborn within our eternal system - as they renew on earth. 

It is only through the desperation of clung power that true evil finds footing to be unleashed within a body’s expression. But honest love is in the dancer’s ecstatic steps, which sway a body’s balance to capture a feeling of least resistance within its movements - so the dynamism of music may take form.

You can’t be me, and that’s ok, 

You really should never want to.


But I know I can’t be you either. 

And trust me when I say, so many times in my life I wished I was you,

This mind is a weighty burden upon my aching back that I try manage,

But you seem so happy, so purposeful, and here I keep crying alone.

I was too old when I was young, and too young as I got old,

But being out of sync has at least has let me touch my heart,

And within my eyes my intention remained clear throughout.

For old comes young that sees you’ll be young again at old age.

“Iceberg ahead Captain! What should we do?”

“Hard to starboard and full speed ahead- but I’d not worry much. I’ve seen the future and know this ship will be a classic narrative split-in-two at the bottom of the ocean.” 

“But the passengers onboard, sir, there aren't enough lifeboats if we sink!”

“Fear not, loyal first mate, a heroic Captain goes down with his ship. I’ve earned my stripes and will show myself capable enough to sink an unsinkable vessel into the deepest anals of history.”

"But sir, should I at least get the women and children to the lifeboats?"

"Yes, of course, good thinking first mate, some will need to relay my story. Tell them the Captain sends his regards but most will need to perish in the freeze. Lock the third classes up in the hold. And remember to smile when you give the news, I'd hate them to think anything is wrong. A positive attitude steams a happy ship after all!"


"Oh, just one more thing, first mate. Get the band playing something lively, I'm feeling invigorated by all this commotion and observed at our many balls that the passengers enjoy a dancing tune!"

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