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2023.04.30_MATTHEW 18:23-35: THE POOR DEBTOR

23 Many have spoken of the merciful master and greedy servant, but I say:

The State of the World is like a poor person struggling to find prosperity in an economic downturn. 24 Raised from nothing, having little, knowing what they could, the poor person had been pressured into debt by gilded policies and elegantly worded contracts. 25 Unable to pay, the lawyers of the greedy creditors came to collect the poor person’s home and few belongings, threatening to lock them in prison far from their family.

26 The poor person pleaded before the courts, ‘please be patient’, they begged, ‘I must first provide essentials to my family before these debts.’ 27 But the courts were already coerced by the greedy creditors and demanded the poor person pay all that was owed.

28 So the poor person went out, assessed all debts owed them and went asking for payment. In their desperation, the poor person beat a destitute, demanding they ‘pay back what was owed!’

29 “The destitute fell to their knees and begged, ‘Be patient with me, my mind is shattered, I have no home and none will hire me.’

30 But the poor person didn’t listen and had the destitute thrown to court for monies, as had been done them. 31 The courts assessed the case and alerted the greedy creditors who tallied the debt from the destitute to the poor person and finally to their own wealthy account.

32 The greedy creditors came to the poor person, ‘you greedy person, you didn’t tell us you had other income, we will take it in payment of your debts.’ 33 Still not having any money to repay the debts, the courts locked the poor person in prison and gave their house to the greedy creditors. 34 Then the greedy creditors went out and started harassing the poor person’s family and the destitute to pay the remaining debt.

35 For this is the State of World when the greedy rule, and the indebted fail to release their brethren cycling in unyielding squalor.

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