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In the mind of a rigid master, only work can set free.

But what you master, you must masterfully give up,

Or only a half-life will wait your grand tumble unthrone.

What will you control beyond your work?

That of highest remaining value.

But for the wise leaders looking to future growth:

What power you gain, you must thoughtful impart to succession,

What tools you learn, you must bestow to eager and interested hand,

What perfection you’ve achieved, you must let blurred by others.

If you’re in the way of betterment ascending to the fore,

Move your ego from your face so all may see fuller vision.

This is the path of a heart rekindled and mind released.

For where new vision can flow, prosperity will follow,

Where it is clinched, the trickster shall successfully sow,

And where it is abolished, misery and death are known.

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