We are called to a love supreme, not a hatred most particular!
Stop seeing enemies wherever you walk;
Your cruelest enemies don't walk the same dusty streets as you.
Stop mourning only your community;
We are all in pain, speak to that too so we might better hear each other.
Stop seeing difference as the only means of power;
It is our unspoken similarities that are now disempowering us all.
Stop degrading the broken, ignorant and unworthy;
Hearts long to feel included, give hope a chance to free their passion.
Stop speaking your words of division;
Learn a song that humbles the spirit unto love and good ethic.
You are not unique enough to save us,
You are not saintly enough to guide us,
You are not good enough to enact your judgements!
We are we and will be, when we show love graciously.
For in difference we find, yet in common love we bind.
And a love no more common can their be,
than our Common Near, carrying us all here.