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Why have you not bought your poor brother new teeth?

They have clearly fallen out of his mouth from overuse.

Was it not God’s heavenly commission for us to be charitable and spread our wealth?

Did the first Christians not share everything to communal care, no property to be owned?

How has your brother lost his smile from without, yet shines indomitable inside still?

And yet greed festers and engorges many others with cruel indifference from within?

You see his loss, you must know his pain?

Or are you unable to feel for his shaky need?

Do you not see wealth in his confident health?

Can you not see he’s only been of a humble greed?

Or has the weight of your own greed lowered your heavenly gaze?

How do you ignore his need, why do you forsake him now?

The least of these, the least of these, you know it well,

Arms full of rust, breath full of dust, hearts full of pain, teeth ground like grain.

And yet, always will they remain, while greed lashes at your veins.

For you are their poison, from your hoarding has their health been drained.

For your wealth favoring tax codes, your staunch religious nationalism, 

Your environments strewn of oil, your markets corporatized for devils,

Your health systems cut to private gain, your mental prison's enriching criminal sins,

Your haul of luxuries and properties, your vacations celebrating the end of time.

For this, you have abandoned the healthy smiles of the least of these.

But God will offer no smiles upon you, if your poor brother’s smile you cannot renew.

For your greedy taking has been from others, where his was of himself.

The first God judges harshest but the other he can forgive.

But perhaps on this day, dentalcare will you advocate for as a holy affair?

If only to spare a direct payout from your own swollen pocketbook,

If only to engorge your ego further with a greater goodness you may partake in.

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