This moment reveals the insanity of their ego,
It show how desperately one flails in fragility,
Attempting to retain an idolatrous self-image.
How far they will go to convince themselves?
Displaying righteous purity before the land,
Showing off good works of their hand,
Telling far and wide of wealth spent on charity,
Speaking shame over them needing generosity.
They have lived this worlds great dream,
And are now waking to its ceaseless nightmare,
Finally sensing the masters eating their pleasure,
The dark tale others have repeating forever.
They’ve had the best life available to humans ever known,
But they stride completely oblivious to such a blessed state,
Dwelling in the halls of heaven, only seeing dirt in the corners.
They are the laziest minds amongst us,
They are the most coddled children,
They have existed on stoic repeat.
They eagerly labour through everyone else's problems,
For they refuse to see or solve their own glaring issues,
Instead, declining to self-reflect,
Unacknowledging their chaos,
Vomiting their insecurities,
Convinced of their sticky vile,
Assured it is a glue helping others.
But as it often is, them ‘holding everything together’,
Are also them preventing the rest of us from improving it.