If only they could see it is them,
Not their poor disempowered workers spiraling in poverty,
Or the courageous hopes of a rebellious youth rising.
But it is them, in positions of power and authority,
Those with influence, knowledge, wealth and prestige,
It is they who are preventing us all from moving forward.
They are in the way of betterment coming forth,
They are the gatekeepers holding back needed change,
Of freeing the pack to bite at the heels of their owners greed.
They are upholding a sick vision of society forced on us by the wealthy,
So they can continue to enjoy the meager scraps the owners toss at them.
They are mad dogs unleashed in protected habitats,
There to bark and stir confusion for hunting masters,
Their owners, who continuously poach from chaos!
They are there to learn the tactics of taking more,
There to indulge their master’s excess,
There to receive their master’s touch,
Filling fat on rare poached foods,
Warming sleepily in protected homes.
Turmoil bringers, delighters of their rigid, barking authority.
Their order is to disorder the least of these, to scatter their will.
Endlessly reacting to their beleaguered owners greed,
Always forgetting to fight for worker’s desperate need.
These Baby-Bosses have accepted their role as the fist to beat the poor,
There for their owner’s continued profit- and their own engorgement.
And to prevent a realization of responsibility for the position they’ve assumed in a brutal system,
They will pummel any rising stars that could outshine them, oppose them or speak against their pride.
And it’s hard to tell if it’s maliciousness, egoism, stupidity or just laziness,
But Baby-Bosses want to roll around in their victimhood, not asking for advice,
Engaging in dialogue or accepting ways to change from their workers.
Instead they can only pat themselves on the back for work already done,
That has been done by others or are doing for them right now.
Even a whiff of condescension to these Baby-Bosses,
Even a taste of disloyalty and their childish rage ensues.
And to keep from changing,
To maintain their rolling chaos,
Their crying and hurt inner child,
They desperately search for people,
Those who will massage their fragile egos.
They find those who can be easily used, abused and manipulated,
Instead of listening to people who will tell them the honest and hard truths,
The truths they need to hear to evolve and become competent managers- and humans.
And the people who uphold the Baby-Bosses disasters,
Those who coddle their cowardice to change,
Their insecurity to engage, their gossip, toxicity,
Those who allow them to fester in childish petulance,
Are often as dangerous and wayward as them.
These Baby-Bosses need to be confronted not comforted,
Their arrogance and pride needs to be put in the proper place, not elevated,
Their useless frustrations need to be silenced by real pain,
The pain workers live daily so these Baby-Bosses can roam freely,
Getting to wander around like entitled celebrities,
Speaking terror like consumed prophets,
And preaching the wisdom of wealthy fools to the destitute!
Instead of fighting their owners greed and realizing their human alignment with their workers,
Instead of using against their owners the many devious tactics learned while breaking-in workers,
Instead of pushing the levers they control to sway for betterment or chaos upon their owners greed,
These Baby-Bosses continue to spend their time picking on their desperate and insecure workers.
Finding ways to powerplay, gossip and slander, torturing them,
Manipulating them, and trying to break their spirit from afar.
All so these insecure Baby-Bosses can prove their unchanging strength,
All to uphold their enormously fragile egos, dimming slightly each day,
Abandoned children, who will be left alone on the darkest day.