And what if an energy I cannot find,
A creation to live a purpose though,
A word to explain my life’s geometry,
A song my heart knew but never learned,
An emotion to visibly match this reality,
An intuition that lets us connect more,
Or a higher order that we all can share?
What then will I be?
But Shadow behind us,
Reveal hidden before me.
A wave in the ocean that finds no land,
A root in the garden without renewal plan,
A form growing fast but separate over time,
A hum holding only my inner sleeping mind,
An echo that disturbs others delicate song,
A vision with eyes trying to force hands along,
Or a rock in the desert grinding to granularity.
How else could I be?
Shadow reflecting me,
Reveal shining through.
An ocean current that refreshes distant shores,
A moment in the flow that sparked inner joy,
A way of living life to describe what it is to live,
A rhythm beating pulse to extend agreed ends,
A language in others to find shared ways around,
A sight that shimmers light between shadowed eyes,
And a time that is now by being for others first before.