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This is not a moment for creatives or open thinkers, but a moment of stringent authorities, worried eyes seeing insecurity on everything, fearing for the purity of their image- and thus, only able to grow further division from their exhausting reaction. It is a time of musicians in masks, poets hiding behind spiritual characters, and everyday people fearing to speak their honest words. We do not even understand the language of growth anymore, the language of relation.

And it is because of that untamed fear, that we shall not grow, only spool in our shadows.

We are not offering people the basic threads that tie them together at the human level.

The real way they walk through their lives,

Relational universalities, materiality, welfare, wellness, habitation, integration, and expression.

And what are we all consumed in right now?

System conservation, regulation, authority, externality, memory, networks, and observation.

Different languages,

Different purposes,

Different points of view,

Different class interests.

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