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There’s a lot of maintenance keeping a capital pristine;

Blazing cart water trails, dirt trimming maple tree isles, 

Placarding obvious signage, and dusting salted roads.

Today the canals got drained of muddy waters,

Dredging out the excessive swampy seaweed,

Filling it fully fresh before hard ice takes freeze,

Those clean waters glistening reflection at dusk.

And now loyal pairs of ducks raft along in open free,

Soft ripply wakes behind swooning their crossovers,

The pairs picking quicker pace and boating into flight, 

Feet paddling thin streaks while wings elevate dance,

Feathers cusping impressions upon low water’s edge.

But I looked up to peaceful skies before seeing them airborne,

And that towering left me wondering how high ducks could fly.

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