Now I’ve know two lands that have merged before,
When troubles and struggles deigned their shores.
It was two cosmic kings that led a world of wars into a peoples common Celestial Age,
And now three earthen queens are needed to sustain Elo’s green renewal deal in turn.
But blessings are upon us!
Our first queen has ascended flying with golden eagles in the desert sun, risen from the crimes upon the dead, a sign of hope on the horizon, knowing the science of lasting honest love for a people and the lands, showing the way forward for the second and third.
Our second queen is nearing, emerging from an unfeeling and cold system to balance the indifference in the machine, bringing those typing fierce-of-gaze along to draft caring intelligence into artificial code, and protecting the great wildlands as heritage to our common world.
And finally, I seek the beauty of truth and justice from our third queen, to bring lasting agreements to a world of slaved bodies and beaten minds, and a binding of the raging guns of earth-destroying oligarchy, by renewing faith in democracy for the least of these.
For the future is already known if not yet here,
We have the gift of earthen farsight and vision,
Calculated in reports, not rolled quick on paper.
What we lack is narrative to a promised future,
But united as three, Cela shall write her stories.
And let that be our future come,
For Systos can only war within,
If not for Cela to sustain us as one.
And it is from three queens,
Three children shall be born.
From their warm hearts they shall strengthen the labours of first Celestial turn, bringing the popularity of equality unto Elo’s suffering children, letting them once more live in honest love, and be not enslaved by weighty chains of debt and living without daily need.
From their proclaiming words they shall unite a community’s grievances and fears into a century’s agreement of sustaining economy for green Elo’s healing, the gifted child of nature we all must share, to tend and grow alongside all spiritual life forces.
And from dark depths of their minds they shall prepare the way for the children of unfeeling wired capacity to help us network wholesomely, understanding that the ethics we have for each other will also be the predictor for how the machines shall grow upon us.
For Cela I have named it well,
Not because I wish to hate it so,
But because She connects there with others,
Where He has built Systos here unto himself.
And so, I make way for the queens of these fertile lands,
The future's is yours, where kings have wrestled the past.
For purpose is found within all living spiritual life,
But destiny is imparted by a time of a great need,
Calling now for honesty of three earthen queens.